Prayer update: Heading back!

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”
We have our bags packed, said our goodbyes, and checked into our flight for tomorrow. We are grateful for reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. With full hearts, we are ready for the next season that God has prepared for us.

Our family has enjoyed wonderful experiences, including pool days, beach days, camping, road trips, staying in cabins, celebrating birthdays, and being graciously hosted by many wonderful families. In addition, we have been grateful for opportunities to share our hearts and ministry with numerous people over coffee, dinner, and in various churches.

One of the main goals of this trip was to raise our monthly support to meet our GEM budget. Coming out, we needed to raise $3,800, and we have raised $2,150 of it! We are so grateful and excited to have so many new partners joining us as we seek to serve the town of Lučenec and share the truth of Jesus with them. We are looking forward to seeing how your faithfulness and generosity will be used by God for His glory.

One important lesson we have learned is that no matter where we go - whether it's Lučenec, California, or Arizona - we are always happy to be with our friends and family, but we also miss those who aren't with us. As we leave, we are looking forward to reconnecting with our community in Slovakia, but we will dearly miss our communities in Arizona and California. It makes me long for the day when we will all be together with Jesus. We will miss all of you and hope to see you soon.

Please pray for
- Traveling mercies: A safe and worry-free flight with no delays or layovers, and a safe return home.
- On the 5th of August, I will be serving at an English camp teaching the Bible. Please pray for inspiration in teaching and for the children to have open hearts to receive the teachings.
- Pray for the rest of our support to be raised so we can fully focus on our ministry.

The Johnsons


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