Summer's going fast!


               I have been reading through the gospel of Mark. It’s the first time in almost two years that I am spending time reading through a gospel (I have been enjoying reading through the Old Testament). Over twenty years ago Mark 8:35 defined my life and choices, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospels will save it.” but I feel that Jesus is moving our family into a new season and has given me the direction He is taking us and its from Mark 2:13-17 and the calling of Levi. What has spoken to me is that if you wanted to find Jesus, you would find him in the company of “sinners”. He would be eating with them, talking with them, I’m sure he would find out their names, listen to their stories, and share the hope of God’s kingdom being open for them. My experience has been that most people who decide to follow Jesus don’t do so through a sermon and a prayer (although this does happen) but instead come through a process of seeking, asking, and friendships.


               It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost over! It’s been a whirlwind of summer camps, spending time with friends, weddings, and trying to find stuff for the kids to do when we need to work. Matus has started skateboarding, and fishing, and took part in three different summer camps. Lily has been visiting her grandmother, playing with her friends, and teaching our puppy tricks. Lucy and I have been working through the summer and finally got away for two days with the kids to swim and camp overnight.  We are looking forward to a trip to Bratislava to visit a church plant and also for my parents to come and visit us.


               Through Lucy’s work, she has helped a few of her clients find work and a few more move into better or more permanent housing. One whom Lucy has been working with for six years finally lives not in public housing or a ghetto but in a standard flat with her three kids. It has been very encouraging for her to see some progress. I have started meeting with a few younger men from our church for mutual discipleship, I have also made it a point to reach out to young men in ministry to simply be a listener, and encourager, and give some guidance where I have experience. Our discussion group has slowed down over the summer, but we are hoping to get it started up again soon and go together through the gospel of Mark. Besides this, I have preached a few times and helped in a camp for a school in the city. The highlight of my summer is always teaching the bible to around 50 kids during a summer English camp in a nearby village.

2 0f 21

               As some of you know we are searching for ministry partners pledging to support our ministry by donating 100 US dollars a month. We are looking for 21 partners and the Lord has already provided us with 2! For more information on our ministry vision check out our blog post here Our heart and vision ( To make a donation simply click on this link Give ( and under fund, you can click on the Johnson family mission Slovakia. You can make a one-time donation or set it up for a regular donation. 

Please be praying for:

  • For God to lead and protect our family.
  • For Jesus to use us in showing his love and mercy to those who haven’t yet heard of Him or still have questions.
  • For 19 new partners to help us keep doing what we do (you can give by clicking on the link here Give ( and then click on fund and Johnson family mission Slovakia).
  • For the Lord to provide the funds a way for us to replace our car with a newer one.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. The Johnsons 


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