Baptism, birthdays, and fundraising

“Build houses and make yourselves at home. “Put in gardens and eat what grows in that country. “Marry and have children. Encourage your children to marry and have children so that you’ll thrive in that country and not waste away. “Make yourselves at home there and work for the country’s welfare. “Pray for Babylon’s well-being. If things go well for Babylon, things will go well for you.” – Jeremiah 29:4-7 The Message
This has been the message I Have been sharing with different groups while I’m on a three week trip to the States. Our goal and heart for ministry is not a sprint but a marathon. We are doing the slow and good work of building relationships and community, planting good seeds of truth, and seeking to bless our town and community.
One of the blessings we received before leaving was our son Matus deciding to be baptized. My prayer for Matus is that it would bring me no greater joy than to know that my son is walking in the truth (3 John 1:4).
The ladies celebrated their birthdays as well before I left. We rented out an indoor playground, invited our friends, and had a great time together.
Our desire is for Lucy and I to be working together in the work that Jesus has given us. The ministry is growing and so are the opportunities. This is the reason I am currently in the States to raise and build our monthly support team. For many years we have been doing bi-vocational ministry which has its benefits and also setbacks.
My time so far has been busy and blessed. I have been meeting with so many old and new friends sharing our hopes, hearts, and dreams for the ministry in Slovakia. I have been running all over the Phoenix Valley, speaking at churches, as well as a trip to southern California meeting with anybody willing to hear and asking for partnerships. I am halfway through my trip finding myself tired, encouraged, and missing my family and home. I am also hopeful seeing the generosity of people and their willingness to support our work. Thank you to all who have already joined us and we are getting closer to our goal of being fully funded. I have a week and a half to raise a little over 1,000 dollars and I believe it will come in before I head home.
Please pray for: My wife who is taking care of the kids (Lily is also sick right now) and our home while I’m gone. Please pray that she will be encouraged and strengthened My family to be protected both physically and spiritually. For us to build our support team and be fully funded For safe journeys as I travel around Phoenix and also head home on the 24th That the Lord would continue to bless our ministry by bringing our friends into a relationship with Jesus and grow our community into a church.
The Johnsons


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