Prayer update: loaves, ministry, and upcoming events

We like everyone have fears and worries dealing with doubts of not being enough, not having enough, etc … I recently preached on the feeding of the 5,000 and focused on the disciples whom Jesus told to feed them, but they knew they did not have enough, just like us. What Jesus did was take the little that they had, blessed it, and gave it back to them to accomplish the impossible. It’s an encouragement and reminder to not worry but instead bring the little we have to Jesus and let him bless it and multiply it to accomplish great things.


We needed to renew Matúš’s passport which meant a quick trip to Bratislava during the spring break. We spent our time visiting with family, and friends, a church plant, and work meetings. Matúš has joined the church media team and is serving on Sunday mornings. Lily still loves to play dress up, sing, and has almost mastered riding a bike with no training wheels!


We have finished all the paperwork for GEM and still have a meeting with their counselling staff and a four day orientation week in April. After these meetings, we will have the final answer about if we will join them. I have been asked to serve again as an elder in our church. I have agreed to candidate for the position and if I am voted in I will serve as the elder of the new community we are planting and also oversee relational outreach in our town. Lucy has been meeting with old clients and also spending time meeting with women from our community.

This Saturday I have been asked to speak at a worship night evangelism event in our church. I am grateful for the chance but also feeling a bit overwhelmed because this Sunday we are starting a four-week pilot series for Easter. One of the goals of these meetings is to try out a model of a Sunday worship service for our friends who don’t go to church. The other goal is to begin the process of growing a team by having different people from our community serve in a church setting for the first time. We are still working out the kinks and are hoping that they could be the start of something special.


• Spiritual and physical protection for our family
• For continued fruit from the work
• For the Sunday gatherings. That Jesus will bring people, speak to them, and change their lives through these gatherings
• For this Saturday and the worship night. That the Lord will work through us and speak to the hearts of those who will come

Thank you for your prayers and support.
The Johnsons
Gifts and support can be made here just be sure to click on Johnson mission


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