Prayer update: ELF, Dragons, and summer plans

I just returned from the largest gathering of evangelical leaders in Europe called ELF (European Leadership Forum). It was amazing to worship, pray, and learn from over 800 brothers and sisters from all over Europe. My key takeaway was the reminder that our God is in the death and resurrection business, and we are a death and resurrection people. No matter what may come we always have hope.

We are gearing up and preparing for a team of men from the US to come and serve in our city. We have been planning out a wide variety of opportunities for them to serve our city, connect with people, and encourage the local church. We are hopeful how the Lord will use it to gather more into our community.

We have a lot to celebrate with the baptism of our first member a week ago but at the same time, we feel the darkness fighting back with the recent loss of our neighbour to suicide and sickness hitting our home. We feel that we are gaining traction in our personal life by joining GEM, fruit in the ministry, and a clear vision for going forward. At the same time, we feel the dragon’s anger as he is trying to devour what the Lord is planting. But we know that we are a death and resurrection people and that all of the hardships will not break us.

We are also making plans for when we return to the States for the summer. We will be arriving on June 8th and leaving on August 3rd. Our hope for the trip is to rest and also share with as many people as we can the vision God has placed on our hearts and how they can join us through prayer and financial support. If you would like to meet up with us don't hesitate to get in touch with me and let's make a plan.

In seasons like this with so much good happening we expect the darkness to push back, and it is. Almost every time we have travelled to the States there have been problems with our flights, baggage, and kids getting sick. Our daughter Lily is on antibiotics as I am writing this blog. We are grateful for all of you who stand with us through prayer and support, and we are asking that you continue to stand with us now. We are death and resurrection people and know that God is working all of this to the good of His purpose.
Please pray for
• Our daughter Lily to be completely healed before we travel to the States
• For the team coming that they have safe travels
• For this upcoming week to be a fruitful time of ministry
• For safe travels to the US without any complications
• For a fruitful time in the States of finding new partners to join our team

The Johnsons


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