Prayer update: Light, SBC Team, and Arizona

If you have ever flown overseas, you know how they ask you to close your windows during the flight to create a sense of night (if you fly from Europe to the States the sun is shining the whole time). As you get closer to your destination you open the window and light just shoots through the cabin. This is my experience serving in Europe. Many people don’t know that in Europe only 2.9% of the population claims to have a relationship with Jesus (Asia 3.2). We just had a team of 17 Christian men come and serve and it was light coming into a dark place. The Kingdom of God breaking through and it’s always an encouraging thing to experience.

The Forge Team

We had 17 men (my brother-in-law being one of them) from Scottsdale Bible Church to serve our community in Lučenec. We had a busy schedule for them with helping a partnering church to build a fence, creating an autistic friendly playground, and most importantly for us connecting with people in our community. As Kostol pri stole (Church at the table) we want to serve those who serve. We planned a BBQ with our community we are serving, partnered with a local youth center helping to build some benches and also freely speaking with students about Arizona and Jesus. We also hosted our first get together for teachers something that has been in my heart for years, The men showed up to serve but their bags never made it until the end of their trip. Even without their bags the men never complained. Like light breaking through the darkness.


We are currently in Arizona and have come to spend time with family and also to build our support team. GEM has given us a monthly budget as well as a launch fund and we hope that during our time here we will be able to get fully funded so that when we return we can focus again on serving people in our community. Not only that but we are hoping to be recharged and prepared to enter back and see God’s Kingdom break through the darkness.

Prayer requests
• Praises that our travels went well and this is the first time in many years that everything went smoothly with no complications
• Please pray for continued protection for our family. We will stay safe and healthy as we travel and speak with potential partners
• Please pray for God to open the hearts of his people to partner with us so that we can get fully funded
• For a blessed time of refreshment and also time with family
• Praises that God has supplied us with a car for the first part of our stay
• Please pray that we will be able to find another person to loan us a car for the month of July so we can travel to meet with people
Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

The Johnsons


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