Prayer update: Camps, Meetings, and California

Camps, Meetings, and California

Lucy and I have been reading through the Book of Chronicles. One thing we have noticed is that whenever the people stopped, asked God, and listened, things went well. We also heard a sermon about Daniel, who was a man who embodied this type of trust in God. Even when faced with lions, he put himself in God’s hands. I am asking God to grow our trust in this season of support raising and planning for the next season. As we plan, I am making it a point to stop, ask, and listen to the Lord’s leading.

During our first two weeks in Arizona, our kids took part in two camps at Scottsdale Bible Church. Lily had her first VBS experience and loved it, and Matus also participated in VBS by helping his grandmother lead a class. Matus also took part in the Create camp and learned the basics of drumming. We are grateful that our kids had these opportunities.

We also spent ten days in California, visiting with friends, ministry partners, and family. We love visiting Camarillo and feel like it’s a second home away from home for us. The first Sunday we were there, we even met someone who served with GEM and joined our support team! We also had the chance to drive up to visit my brother Aaron and his wife for a few days in northern California.

We are now back in Arizona and are looking forward to connecting with members of our support team and also hoping to grow that team as well.

• Please help us in praying for the following:
• - Protection for our family
• - Praise that we have another car for the duration of our stay
• - Opportunities to share about our ministry in Slovakia and how people can be a part of it
• - Growth and full funding for our ministry support base so we can return and focus solely on the work.
The Johnsons


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