Prayer update: Hit the ground running and return for fundraising

Since returning, we have been very busy! Our days have been full and blessed. We've been reconnecting with family and friends, as well as serving. During the first week back, I taught the Bible and shared the gospel with students at an English summer camp. This camp is one of my annual highlights, and I pray that the seeds of hope sown during this camp will bear much fruit.

We have reconnected with family and friends over three of my favorite things: BBQs, goulash, and swimming! On our first day back, our neighbors invited us over for goulash, and we had them over last weekend for burgers at our place. I was at the pub with my friends the other day, and naturally, the Lord opened up an opportunity for me to share my testimony with one of our neighbors while walking home. Today, Lucy came home from an appointment feeling excited. She had the opportunity to share the gospel and our hope to plant a new church in Lucenec with the person she met with. In a short period of time, there's much I could share, but to put it simply, God is good and He is working among us here.

Unfortunately, we were unable to raise all the support we needed to be fully funded while we were in the US. After speaking with my leadership from GEM, we have decided that I will return to the US on August 23rd and will stay for four weeks. The goal of the trip will be to find additional partners and raise the support we need so I can return and fully focus on the ministry.

How you can help
I will need to borrow a car while I am in Phoenix. Please contact me if you could help with this.
Also, please consider hosting a get-together with a few of your friends or a small group where I can share our ministry and needs.

Please pray for:
Physical and spiritual protection for my family
A safe and smooth trip back to AZ
For Lucy while I am gone.
For God to supply all we need so I can return and focus on the work He has given us to do
Thank you for your continued prayer and support

The Johnsons


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